Gary New Duluth, 2023-2024
Driveway, 35mm film
Driveway, 35mm film
Saint Louis River, 35mm film
Saint Louis River, 35mm film
Saint Louis River, 35mm film
Saint Louis River, 35mm film
Perch Lake, 35mm film
Perch Lake, 35mm film
35mm film
35mm film
Gary New Duluth, 35mm film
Gary New Duluth, 35mm film
Gary New Duluth, 35mm film
Gary New Duluth, 35mm film
Oliver Bridge, 35mm film
Oliver Bridge, 35mm film
Gary New Duluth, 35mm film
Gary New Duluth, 35mm film
Gary New Duluth, 35mm film
Gary New Duluth, 35mm film
Stowe Elementary, 35mm film
Stowe Elementary, 35mm film
"The Milk House", 35mm film
"The Milk House", 35mm film
"The Old Shop", 35mm film
"The Old Shop", 35mm film
K-Mart, 35mm film
K-Mart, 35mm film
"Names I Don't Know"
It is fascinating how many humans are on Earth, but what bugs me is how I will never know every person I see. We’re all so focused on our own lives that we often forget that everyone in our space is living their own lives too. "Names I Don’t Know" documents a few of the many people I have passed day-to-day who are in their own little worlds.
"What Happens After Death?"
Inspired By Francesca Woodman
"Emulating Another" is a collection inspired by Francesca Woodman- emulating her technique and photography style.
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